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Russia's current political state is characterized by a complex interplay of internal and external challenges. Internally, a recent revolt led by the Wagner mercenary group has significantly challenged President Vladimir Putin's long-standing rule. The group, led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, took control of military facilities in the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, marking a grave security crisis, with global leaders including those from Ukraine, the US, and the UK closely monitoring the unfolding events. The British Prime Minister emphasized the necessity for responsible behavior during this crisis, which has been described as the most significant challenge to the Russian state in recent times​[1]​.

Externally, Russia's assertive foreign policy has been notable, especially in Latin America, where Moscow has utilized disinformation, economic coercion, and both covert and overt political actions to sow anti-US sentiment and weaken democratic institutions. This has been aimed at shaping the behaviors of Latin American governments in Russia's favor, in turn, challenging US influence in the region​[2]​.

Moreover, Russia's human rights situation remains a concern, with nearly half of the criminal cases being against journalists, bloggers, or civic activists, indicating a stifling of freedom of expression and civil liberties​[3]​. The country, although deemed a federal democratic state on paper, is often regarded as a dictatorship built around President Putin. The upcoming presidential election in March 2024 is drawing attention, as it's an avenue for potential political change, though the dynamics surrounding it and the impact it will have on Russia's political fabric remain to be seen[​4]​​[5​].

~~~Oct 24, 2023

Current prime minister

Mishustin, Mikhail


Sep 19, 2021

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