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Germany maintains its status as a Federal Republic and parliamentary democracy, with its government elected by the public and headed by the Chancellor. In 2023, the political helm is steered by the centre-left Social Democrats, alongside the Greens and the business-friendly Free Democrats​[1]​. However, 2023 is marked by numerous political challenges and tests for the government. Four out of Germany's 16 federal states are set to have elections, although there won't be a federal vote until 2025​[2]​. The year has also seen Germany's centre-right opposition making gains in two state elections, indicating a shift or challenge to the current governing coalition, at a time where Chancellor Olaf Scholz's national government is perceived as unpopular​[3]​.

The political landscape has been turbulent, with 2023 promising continued challenges including those posed by energy concerns, unity among governing coalitions, and Germany's relations with China​[4]. Furthermore, the surge of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in recent state elections has marked a significant political development, with conservative forces achieving clear victories and potentially indicating a broader shift in the national mood​[5].

~~~Oct 22, 2023

Current prime minister

Scholz, Olaf


Dec 8, 2021

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